Not going/trying to turn this into an Israeli-Palestine thing bc you only spent one small paragraph on it but let's try to find a more sensitive op-ed than Krauthammer? Or at least if you are not going to analyze the situation (analyzing the situation would make the blog post incredibly long) but while I can write pages on this I'll try to provide some of the other side of the story:
The beginning of Krauthwhatever's letter is crap/meaningless. All countries cannot be treated the same way...Obama had a great quote that Israel is still our staunchest ally but best friends have to be critical at times. Who have been the best presidents for Israel? Answer: their "worst enemies"...Carter, for example. Reagan with Jim Baker for example. George Bush was considered the best friend of all time...LOL his contributions definitely lacking compared to other presidents. Not sure if the amount of money/aid/support we give to Israel is known to the readers. U.S. has given so much unconditional love to Israel. Not going to start posting links for other reasons but it is far beyond our aid to any other country. Now that is fine. They are our GREATEST ally. I understand that. Though, when Kerry, Clinton, Carter et al. go to Gaza and see what their weapons did you want to keep the Bush status quo? Sorry! Morality, common sense, the will to finally try to resolve a conflict get in the way. Calling ending settlements a myth? So insensitive for the reasons given. Who brought up Hamas??? Answer: USA/ISRAEL in the late 1980s. Shocking, right? No? that can't be right? 100% right. U.S. wanted a more "religious" government as opposed to Fatah bc they thought they would be praying in their mosques all day. U.S./Israel brought in democratic elections. Hamas got elected. Now, for understandable reasons, U.S./Israel hates it. Let's take a minute and think about the people who have suffered for so long though? What in the world do you want them to think in this situation? They do what the West wants and now they are screwed? Enough said there. Final point is the last sentence in the post about endorsing a Palestinian state...too funny. With all the preconditions he put on that let's say he endorsed a Palestinian colony. Even some Israeli newspapers are acknowledging that. I'm sure tons of unconditionally supporting right-wingers are going to blast this as anti-Israel (far from it I am actually...) I just thought I'd give another side to the situation than the paragraph in the blog post. Palestinians need to make concessions too (let's start with recognizing an Israeli state) but I'm not going to waste my breath bc you will find what the Palestinians "need to do" in one of those links.

pearce, i need a blog like right now about your opinions on the N Korea / American Journalist situation. im starting to think im the only one who believes those idiots almost deserved what was coming to them. what the hell were they doing over there? people are calling them, brave, heroic, etc... and i cant help but feeling like they were being idiots in the first place.
i think 12 years of a labor camp is a little stupid, especially considering they didnt consult with the US Gov. about the sentencing. i mean, what would happen if the US started imprisoning everyone who came here illegally for 12 years labor? we'd have a coast-to-coat autobahn built in a matter of days. actually, that isnt a bad idea.
back to the point at hand. if what we are hearing is correct, that those girls were on the N Korea side of the line, then i cant help but suspect that N Korea is just in some questionable feelings of... say... what the hell are they doing? spies?
id love to see the girls returned, unharmed, but i think that they have some prison time to serve if what we are hearing is correct.
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